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Boosteramas for Grads
Are you a graduate of one of my Success Teams?
Do you miss all that support, creativity and structure?
A boosterama is a 2 hour meeting that will give you
a fresh burst of encouragement and ideas to get you back on track.
Sometimes after the intensive 8 week Success Team ends,
the graduates miss the ongoing support,
so this is a chance to get a nice refresher.
Icebreaking games
Assets Feedback/hotdogging exercise (remember that?)
Updates on what you've been up to
Planning your next steps
Minimum 4 people, maximum 6 people.
If your group of Success Team grads would like me
to run a Boosterama for you, let me know and we'll set it up.
You can email me HERE.
I can't wait to catch up with graduates of my teams!
Many good wishes,
Boostermas, like Success Teams, will be hosted by grads, in return for free admission, so if you're a grad with enough room for 7 people to sit, email me HERE.
Be sure to include in your email where you are located and a few dates 3-4 weeks from now when you would be available on a weekday evening to host a Boosterama.

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